This award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers and passed from Blogger to Blogger to highlight up and coming blogs. Liebe is the German word for Love, so this award has a special meaning for those just starting out. Guidelines for this award are as follows: 1) Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on yoru blog. 2)Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you. 3) Copy and pasted the blog award on your blog. 4) Present the Liebster Blog Award to blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and 5) Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
I was awarded the Liebster Award by

Kim was my first commenter and first follower. I can't tell you how much this means.
I want to pass this honor along to....
Mrs. Piper at Pushing Through 6th Grade. Check out this blog for some interesting math ideas. Makes me glad that I'm not a math teacher :)
Misty at Think, Wonder, & Teach. She's having an awesome giveaway right now that you must check out!

Awww... THANK YOU!!! Have you checked out Fabulous 4th Grade Frogies? she is having a 3-5 linky party and you would be amazed at how many of us there are! You will find lots of amazing new friends.
Think, Wonder, & Teach